Sadie, Sadi

Sadie, Sadi

Meaning, Origin: Sadie is a nickname for the name Sarah, meaning lady or princess.

Hosta Sadi. An herbaceous perennial with gold to chartreuse  leaves. Info at Jim’s, (2015).

Saintpaulia Sassie Sadie. An herbaceous perennial with pink flowers outlined in maroon. Info at Lyndon Lyon, (12-3-15); Violet Gallery, (11-3-16).

Sinningia Sweet Sadie. An evergreen perennial with rich lavender flowers. Info at Fuchsia Fialka, (1-24-16); HK Plants, 9-6-16).

Author: Lori Norris

I have been in the nursery industry my whole life, and have come to love and admire our fellow earth dwellers.

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