Sophie, Sophy, Sofie

Sophie, Sophy, Sofie

Meaning, Origin: Sophie and its variants are related to the Greek word Sophos, meaning wise.

Agapanthus Sofie. A bulbous perennial with deep blue flowers atop a long stalk. Info at Wyevale, (11-16-16).

Alstroemeria Little Miss Sophie. A tuberous perennial with ruffly apple-blossom pink flowers. Info at SM Growers, (1-10-16); Coblands, (11-25-2015).

Camellia Sophie’s Legacy. An evergreen shrub or tree with flowers that open pale yellow and age to pink. Info at Imberhorne Lane, (2015).

Clematis Sophie. A deciduous vine with small purple urn-shaped flowers. Info at Joy Creek, (10-16-16).

Fuchsia Sophie’s Silver Lining. A deciduous perennial with two-toned light pink flowers. Info at Top Tropicals, (11-15-16).

Fuchsia Sophie’s Surprise. A deciduous shrub with orange flowers. Info at Van Der Velde, (11-15-16).

Geranium Sophie. An herbaceous perennial with clear pink flowers. Info at Small Gardens, (11-16-16).

Gladiolus Sophie. A cormous perennial with pure white flowers. Info at Lake, (10-14-16); Bot, (10-14-16); Ivydene, (11-10-16).

Guzmania Sophie. A bromeliad with stiff green foliage with a red blush, and yellow flowers. Info at Tri State, (11-16-16).

Hemerocallis Chez Sophie. An herbaceous perennial with pink flowers edged with ruffly yellow. Info at Hillside, (11-25-15); Rockhaven, (11-16-16).

Hemerocallis Sophie’s Choice. An herbaceous perennial with single deep pink lily-like flowers. Info at Stichling, (10-5-16).

Hyacinth Madame Sophie. A bulbous perennial with double white flowers. Info at Old House Gar, (2015).

Iris Just For Sophie (Bearded). A rhizomatous perennial with bicolor deep and light pink ruffled flowers. Info at Blue J Iris, (2015); C&T, (2015).

Marigold Scarlet Sophie. An annual with double scarlet flowers. Info at Thompson & Morgan, (2013).

Paeonia Sophie’s Lullaby. An herbaceous perennial with cream to white single flowers. Info at Klehm’s, (11-16-16).

Pelargonium Sophie. An annual with lavender flowers that have deep purple eyes. Info at Henriks, (7-29-16).

Potentilla Sophie’s Blush (fruitcosa). A deciduous shrub with blush pink flowers. Info at RV Roger, (11-16-16).

Rosa Sophie’s Perpetual (Bourbon). A deciduous shrub with light pink and cherry red flowers. Info at Roses Unlimited, (1-3-16); Russian River, (2015); Peter Beales, (2015); Thomas, (2015); Angel, (2015); Rose Petals, (8-12-16).

Rosa Sophy’s Rose (English). A deciduous shrub with light purple red flowers. Info at Chamblee’s, (2015); Roses Unlimited, (1-3-16); Thomas, (2015); Northland, (2015); Ludwig, (2015); Angel, (2015).

Streptocarpus Shenandoah Sophie. An herbaceous perennial with medium pink flowers. Info at Flo, (10-14-15).


Author: Lori Norris

I have been in the nursery industry my whole life, and have come to love and admire our fellow earth dwellers.

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